Flying Escapades..

Friday, December 31, 2010

Hi Everyone! I've moved again.

Go visit me here:

It'll be great if you would leave a comment there!


flew away

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Okay. I've had enough. People are preventing me from liking Science Fiction. They are preventing me from liking Star Wars in particular. I HATE THEM!!!

Fat bastards! You know who you are!

You argue with me about why I shouldn't buy Star Wars book. Get out of my life!! I love Sci-Fi. You listen! I hope an alien come to Earth and destroys your house first!! I hate this world. They don't care.

I just want to order Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy?!! WHY ARE YOU STOPPING ME? I hate you all!!

And no one fully understands situations I'm in. Sad sad world.

So.. You BASTARDS better listen up. I WILL buy THE THRAWN TRILOGY. I WILL get the Sci-Fi Channel in the future. I WILL SCAN my artworks for you all (readers) to see. I WILL BUY A LIGHTSABER AND COSPLAY!!!

You probably-- Wait. Why am I telling you all this? You will say "The other party means you well etc etc and wants to help you get over your SCI-FI obsession etc etc."

Sorry. SCI-FI IS MY LIFE! You stay out of it. Everyone. Okay. This post has probably annoyed everyone. Friends and family alike. But this is my blog. I stay what I want. When I like. If you dislike all this, fuck off!

I hate this world. I'm very angry right now because my attempt at convincing my parents had failed for perhaps the 11th time. The world is already mean to me. I cannot say what I like to people but they can say anything they like to me (referring to schoolmates). And I have to just go along with them. WHY??

Okay I have now linked my anger to everything that was ever happened to me so you all won't understand again. Since I can't even speak my mind freely, why do I even keep a blog??? SUCKERS!!

Reading without understanding. Bye.

flew away

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Okay. I'm back. I'll still be using this blog (at least til New Year's Day). I only had 3 views yesterday. Sigh. I think I'm obsessed with being recognised... Darn, I hate this obsession. I wish the stats thing didn't exist then I could continue fooling myself with thoughts of "Oooooooh.. So many people could be reading this now.. Ooooooooh."

Ok. I'm back. It's 3 in the morning, guys. You should be thankful I'm staying up late to post this for you. No pictures so bare with it!

I went to my relatives' Christmas party. It started out slow and boring but it picked up from there are Oh Yeaaah, it was a Blast, man! I throughly enjoyed myself. It was fun and all.. but of course some things that people at the party said kind of pissed me off.

My granddad. Ok.. He's cool and all but he asked me this: "Do you want to have a tattoo?" Um.. Yea. Why not? I mean, I'm a Star Wars fan and I've seen fans like me get Star Wars tattoos on their arms (I see thiese on the internet, of course) and read about people getting Star Wars tattoos. But he, my granddad said that (grandfather story... zzzzzz) he said that his whole family has ZERO tattoos and his tone t--

Sorry.. Toilet break!

Ahem.. As I was saying, he said or indicated with his tone that he Doesn't.. DOESN't want me to get a tattoo. Not even a little one... Like: WHY???????!!!

I was thinking something like, after I'm done with school, I would like to dye my hair dark brown or something other than black and (if I'm brave enough) get an X-Wing Fighter tattooed on my arm. Wouldn't that be cool! ROGUE SQUADRON! I love them!!

Oh man.. I'm hyper.. And it's 3 in the morning..

He ain't gonna stop me.. Seriously, Star Wars is what I love til forever. Go Rogue Squadron! Corran is soooooooo cool! He's freaking cool!

I shall not get carried away with my blabbering. Okay. But to the topic. Another thing that pissed me of at the party was that this aunt of mine "interviewed' me. She does that ever year so whateva.. Well, she said that I'm more feminine. WTF?!! Hell nooooo..

Reasons why I'm NOT girly:

1. I love Rogue Squadron. I don't just love.. I'm freakin' crazy over the X-Wing pilots. Especially over Corran Horn! CORRAN!!! See..

2. I want a lightsaber. Not to burn of nail polish but to kick some sith butt! UH YEEAAH!!

3. I draw comics. NOT girly comics about romance and luuuuuuuuuve.. Nonononoo!! My comic is Sci-Fi/Fantasy. The comic I'm working on now is about this girl who has _ _ _ since she was little and well I'll skip this whole part in the centre so that no one (NO ONE) can copy my idea. And so the true is slowly revealed to her. Blah blah blah blah.. This alien leader wants it back to dominate the Galaxy. Pretty simple plot but it will have a hell lot of action. Btw. It's set in the year 2040+. Earth is now a spacefaring world.. Muah ahahaahahaha!! About the plot: It's NOT so simple. I skipped the centre part, remember!!!

4. Characters I design are not girly. NOT! The main character is a courageous young girl who goes into a battle without squirrrrrrrrrrrrrrming! I hate squirmy types. YUCK! As usual I won't say more. You know why, fellas!!

5. I have a dark personality YOU DON'T KNOW about. I naturally show my bubbly kind personality to my friends and family. But. BUT!! This personality comes around when I'm alone. I think about the times when I had no friends and no one to talk to and being bullied (You wanna bully me and I'll tear your ass out!!!!) Sorry. NC-16. Well.. this makes me think about when secondary school is going to be over and I have to go to a new school. I'll be all alone again. People will think of me as a shitting geek. Also because I'm short.

This is probably why I like Corran so much. He is my inspiration. I read somewhere that he is fairly short. Like me. For a girl, I am short. But Corran can do so much. Height doesn't matter! He's a JEDI, man! A JEDI!!!

6. I'm NOT FEMININE. I study the parts of an X-Wing Fighter and I play with Nerf Guns. Have I proved myself enough? No? You want more. Ok. I'll entertain you all.

Gosh. It's 4:30am. I'm still hyper and oooooooooooooh I have mooooooooore for yooooooooooooou!!!

7. Boys can run in the rain. ME TOOO! And nice kind ladies on the sidewalks will try in vain to offer me an umbrella. SERIOUSLY! Saying things like "Your momma won't be happy." I don't give a shit. Why is it that adult don't offer adults that are total strangers umbrellas? But offer SHORT teenagers (who look like a kid) umbrellas? I have to carry my Star Wars book everywhere I go to show people that I'm reading something from the adult section, making me an adult. Hhhhumph!!

Apparently this is going off topic...

8. I wacked a person in school for disturbing me. I used her weapon against her. Is that feminine??

9. I own only Pants in my wardrobe. Muahahahahahahaaaaa!!

Done. My gosh! Was I really that pissed? This surprises me!

Okay. I'm still hyper but a little lesser. What do you want to discuss about now? Oh yes! I'm anti-social. I can't help it thats how I am. Apparently some people think it's such a big deal. Suckarss. (Suck cars!) I was just trying to complete a part in Star Wars Battlefront II:Elite Squadron...

Another issue. I was a freaking lame loser during the previous parties (when I was 7 to 11). I did foolish thing. Seriously. And my uncle got it on tape and showed it as a slideshow to everyone. I was completely embarrassed. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! But I have to say I was quite satisfied with this year's party pictures. I posed well for candid shots. My posing in front of the mirror and photographing myself when no one's looking paid off. I think Jaina Solo. Jaina Solo.... Jaina Solo!! And ta daaaaaaaaaaaaa!! They actually got a shot of me playing my PSP intensely without me knowing. I thought that picture was good! (I was flying an X-Wing at that part.. so my consentration was totally at the game). But I looked good so. Yeah!

Overall the party was general great. I enjoyed it for the most part. Though Christmas is kinda over, I still wanna wish you readers a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! Thanks for reading my blog, following my geeky life of Sci-Fi with adventures to come.

Nice typing for you guys!

flew away

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ok. I've had it. Only 2 people read my blog yesterday! WHAT?! Sigh..


Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

I hope I'm not doing this on impulse becuase I wanna start a new blog. There are reasons for this, of course. Firstly, no one but Christy, Lala, (possibly Ming Jin) and my primary school friends know of this blog.. Joshua doesn't know about this blog.. I guess I want to let more of my school mates read about me.. Hahaa..

I actually feel like starting in right now. And, ya know, it's like I do this every year. I start a new blog at the start of every new year. Perhaps my next blog will be a place where I share my art with everyone.

So look forward to my new blog.
Have a great Christmas!

flew away

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hi.. I guess I'm back again. I'm kinda lazy to type much..

Um.. I dunno. What you all wanna read from me. In the first place, does ANYONE even read this blog? Apparently, I've been trying lots of ways (that are free of charge) to get viewers but... Only up to 6 or 7 people read my blog everyday. C'mon people! I typed stuff for close to a year now!!

Haha. I'm a bit disappointed after looking at the "stats", some device on blogger which shows you your number of viewers, etc..

Well, I guess I'll still type or something. I mean, there's bound to be SOME (no matter how few) reading this right now, right? Frankly speaking, I dunno what to talk about. My life has been rather boring during the holidays.

To start, I went out with friends twice. The first time was with Denise to a church play. I'm a free thinker so it's a new experience for me. I kinda like it. Denise's church has a very homely, welcoming feel. On that same day (after the church play) we went to my house to get a glimse of my Star Wars novel collection of 51 books (yes, yes.. very few, I know..). Then, we met up with Amanda and had dinner before going to Denise's house. We sat around in her bedroom talking, and talking.. (Well, you get the point, right?) and talking...

And Denise showed me what was showing on her cable TV. SHe didn't subscribe to the Sci-Fi Channel but with a few clicks or something with the remote, we viewed the programmes line-up for the Sci-Fi channel...

Making me sooooooooo ENVIOUS!! I want that channel! They show Babylon 5 Season 2 (I love Babylon 5) at 11am. And Star Trek: The Next Generation (I think...) THREE times a day. And Stargate.. I've always wanted to watch Stargate but never got the chance. WHY?!! Why does my mum act like a sucka (my dad too) and refuse to subscribe to the Sci-Fi Channel?!?!?!? WHY?!!

I'm going crazy now... I NEED that Channel!! I love Science Fiction. ANYTHING Science Fiction.

Which reminds me of the books I borrowed from the library:

Star Wars: Shatterpoint (nearly done)
Alien VS Predator Omnibus Vol. 1 (comic)
Star Trek: S.C.E. Wildfire (I'm suppose to return it today.. Aaaaaaaaah!)
Battlestar Galactica: Sagittarius Is Bleeding (Borrowed it today).

I'm like a freakin' crazy Science Fiction Geek.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!

Alright, I think I gotta go. Take a shower and stuff like that.. And wrap Christmas presents for Humans and Minbari (just kidding about the Minbari!!)..

Sci-Fi Forever!!

P.S. I forgot to talk about what happened after Denise house! ><>

flew away

Saturday, December 18, 2010

And now.. I'll post about Day 5's Thank You Letter: My Dreams.

(Sorry I don't have pictures! >< )

Here are my dreams:
  1. Publish a comic (still in progess...)
  2. Buy a life-like lightsaber.
  3. Be brave enough to walk out of my house, on the the street with the lightsaber.
  4. Cosplay as Jaina Solo (I'm still not brave enough.. Aaaaaaah..)
  5. Collect and read every Star Wars Novel ever written.
  6. Collect Star Wars figures/figurines (my mum doesn't allow me to but I hope to be able to do this in the future!)
  7. Have someone come up to me and ask me for my autograph (I sound silly here but this is my childhood dream.. I like people to know me. LOL.)
  8. Have a friends who knows about the Star Wars Expanded Universe (Joshua, my best friends has only seen this movies and read a small portion of the Rogue Squadron Comics..)
  9. To go to a Star Wars Convention (I've never been to one.. Sad.)
  10. To see a night sky with stars. (Where I live, star can't be seen..)
  11. To see a meteor shower.
  12. For Okto Channel to show Oban Star Racers again! (Okto, you better! It's my favourite show!)
  13. For people to stop hatin' me during Physical Education (PE) Lessons. (I know. I suck at sports... )
  14. To be able to have the Sci-Fi Channel on my TV. (C'mon mum, don't be a sucka. LOL Haha!)
  15. To be best friends with Joshua forever!
  16. For Joshua's dreams to come true!
  17. And my biggest dream of all: To be a Comic Artist or a Writer!
  18. I actually wanna see my works be made into a movie (but that's dreaming to far, isn't it??)

There ya go! Sleep well and don't let the bed bugs bite, guys!!


Well, today's "Thank You Letter" is suppose to be for my parents since it's Day 3. But I noticed that Day 4's Letter is for my siblings so I decided to combined both letters into one post.. Which is this post. The one you are reading now.

I've not been really pleased with my family recently. Mainly cos my parents aren't going to subscribe to the Sci-Fi Channel for me any time soon and my brother has been pretty annoying for like.. forever? Okay. Maybe ever since he went nuts with soccer. Aaaaaaaargh.

Well, a Thank You Letter is a Thank You Letter. So I just I thank them three for everything? Yeah. I'm not that like.. in a mood to post a post like this cos I really (frankly speaking) have no idea what to say. I usually know what to talk about before putting my fingers on the keyboard so this is rather awkward..

I am thanking them.. I seriously am at a loss for words. I'm grateful. Yes. But I don't know what to say. Things can get mushy ya know. And I hate mushy. It's like mushrooms.. I'm not a fan of mushrooms. Well. Mushy, mushroom.. I'm just talking nonsense to pass the time, aren't I??

Okay, okay.. I'll get serious. I thank my parents for supplying me mone to buy my Star Wars Novels (total count at 51) and Babylon 5 DVD for last year's Christmas present. And I thank my bro for senting me Farmville and Treasure Isle stuff on Facebook.

Speaking about siblings. Most of the friends I can truly call my friends are boys so I guess I kind of treat them like my sibling. I'm talking about Joshua and Jordon. They are my best friends in school. I guess I couldn't fit in with the girls cos of my Star Wars geekiness. They don't understand Luke Skywalker and the rest so... There are other people in my school who have some form of organised knowledge on Star Wars so I consider them as smarter than most.

I think I'm side-tracking so I'll end this post here. Look out of Day 5's Letter: My dream. And since my mum is still not coming to get me to sleep. I'll probably post Day 5's Thank You Letter in a minute or two.

flew away

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Today's "Thank You Letter" is supposed to be for my crush. Well.. um... *starts to get nervous*.. ahem! Uh... I have a crush on.. on..


Yes I do! What were you guys thinking, huh? As if I'll tell you! Hahahaa! I thank my crush for 2 and a half years of comfort, joy and love.. LOL.

And I want to tell my crush that I will never forget or leave it for another Sci-Fi. LOL again. I'll also thank my crush for not yelling in shock whenever my aunt sits on a Star Wars Novel. And whenever a drop a Star Wars Lego Figurine accidentally (cos of my brother). Hahahahaaaa!

So today, I'll show you all how I treasure my crush...

See my crush there! *Fan scream!!*

My Sci-Fi shelf (the black empty space in the cupboard) where I store them with care and gentleness! Pss.. I forgot to rotate the picture clockwise.. 0_o Sorrii.

Close up view on the shelf.

My most favourite Star Wars series... X-WING!! (Book 2: Wedge's Gamble is being borrowed by Christy..)

My New Jedi Order Collection (with several books still not bought due to the bookshop making it unavailable. >< Nooooooooo...).

I seems to have some Star Wars Lego in my bedroom.. Hmm.
So now to let you guys see how I pack my Star Wars books (not really in order) into my Sci-Fi shelf to make room for more Star Wars Books..

Almost done...

Now to put in my X-Wing Novels....


Wait!! I forgot to keep my Babylon 5 DVDs! *take in a deep breath* I have to say I love Babylon 5 too. But (no offense to Babylon 5 fans) I love Star Wars a slight bit more. May be because I began to obsess in Science Fiction after watching Star Wars....

Now it's really done!
It's end this post here, then. I'll never stop loving Star Wars! Never!!
Goodnite guys and aliens!

flew away

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 1's Thank you Letter: To Your Friend.

Well.. I have many friends but I'll dedicate this letter to my best friend. Joshua.

He is the bestest friend ever! He likes Star Wars and read my Rogue Squadron Omnibus and he isn't like the doofuses in school who would tell you that Star Wars is for kids and ask you to grow up and shit like that. And he is the only person who agrees with me that Wedge is a genius and could very well be the best X-Wing pilot ever!

And he is everything a friend should be! Caring. Thoughtful. Funny. Nerdy. Intelligent in weird ways. Easy going.

To summarise this all. He, at times, is like Corran Horn (my favourite Star Wars character). He loves aircraft and can plan military strategies for a game of catching in the the playground. (I never knew catching was so complicated..) He is everything a perfect friend should be.

He doesn't express his feelings much. From the second I've known him, I would think that he is lonely and tend to bottle up his feelings. And he doesn't talk much. But I feel that he understands me and listens to my Star Wars gibberish.

Well, any way, in my opinion, he is the coolest, smartest guy that ever walked the face of this Earth!

And I thank him for 11 months of brilliant friendship and fun and laughter! Friends forever!!

Look out for Day 2's Thank You Letter: Your Crush!


Alright. I am feeling completely bored and if I can't find something (anything?!) to do within 1 minute, I'm afraid I'll go insane and start chewing the grass in Denise's backyard. Okay.. That was a creepy thought.

Well, if anyone wants to know how my day went, it went something like this:

My dad decided to take a day of leave. As in: No work. At home. Terrorise the household. Okay. I'm exaggerating. It's just that Code Lyoko was showing on TV again today at 5:30pm and I wanted to watch it. My home has three TVs (I'll tell you this first). My dad's, my dad's mum's and my brother's. I don't have my own TV. It sucks but what can you say about it when you live with slime eating knuckle-heads. Hmph! They have decided NOT to get me the Sci-Fi Channel!! How?! Why?!! Nooooooooooooooo!

Ahemm.. Um, so any way, I borrowed my dad's TV cos I thought he was in a good mood. Apparently not. 'Should have known that he's never in a good mood.

At that time he was using his work laptop. On Youtube, I think. And he was like sooooo concern about whether I was 'spying on him' or sumthing?! Like hell, why? He was closing the laptop screen and turning it away from me an inch per minute.

Any way, to summarise it all. Watching Code Lyoko with my dad in the room is creepy. I'll make a note NEVER to borrow his TV while he's at home ever again. Gaaaaah.. Hopefully, he'll be going back to work tomorrow cos I'm actually planning to watch Babylon 5 Season 1: Ep 1 and 2 in the afternoon.

That's beside the point why he's not that cheerful today. It's his mum's birthday and he wants me to talk to HER. As in, open wide and let the vocal chord make a sound. Hell, noooooooooo! I don't like her, I'll tell you that first. And there is nothing (NOTHING!!) that can get me to talk to her. I can give you 50 credits if you want but I'm not going to talk to her. It will create a bigger hole in my pocket but "I will not.. I repeat, WILL NOT talk to her.".

Nobody understands why I dislike her. Explanations are useless.

Back to the topic at hand or sumthin'.. My parents have confirmed that the Sci-Fi channel is not to be mine. I'm about the throw a tantrum now. My mum kept on saying what shit about "Saving money" blah blah blah..

So I ask everyone this: How can you be a Sci-Fi Geek if you don't have the Sci-Fi Channel??! It's insane! They are! They are willing to spend a bit of cash every month to get my brother new soccer gloves for 'goalkeeper-ing' and Football cards.. but can't spare a few credits for to subscribe to the Sci-Fi Channel??!! Insanely ridiculous!

And I still got holiday homework that I don't feel like doing. Sad... Sigh. I don't feel like doing the English Quizzes which is a part of the homework cos I keep getting the answers wrong.. WHY?? i read so many Star Wars Novels, a few Star Trek ones and and some Babylon 5 which will totally to about sixty and above in just two and a half years?!! Freak, man! I hate them quizzes!

So for my new post today...

I found this on Denise's blog: It is about writing 30 Thank You Letters to people in your life that you care about. It's suppose to be over a span of 30 days but I plan to finish it before Christmas. So since today is the 14th of December, I will do two letters per day to complete it on time.

Look out for Day 1's Letter: Your Friend....

flew away

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I'm really bored now. Just turned on the air-conditioner, sat on my bed and.. started feeling bored.

Just a quick note:
Please vote the colour of your lightsaber blade in the poll on the left hand side of the screen!! It might mean nothing to you but it means something to me! VOTE please!

Well, when I was using Facebook a while back I found a '10 minutes' test on Denise's wall. I decided to do it for fun even though Denise didn't tag me. I hope she doesn't mind. Any way, this test will help you readers understand me better, I think. Enjoy!

Starting time: 11.26pm
Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JainaSolo (My Facebook name)
Brother(s): I have one.

Sister (s): None.

Eye Color: Black but my friend, 'Lala' says it is Dark brown.

Shoe size: 37 or 38.
Hair: Long and straight like Jaina's. I'm gone dye it dark brown in the future!
Piercings: None and never will.
Height: Same as Princess Leia's. I'm freakin' short. ><

What are you wearing right now?: A white singlet and blue shorts.
Where do you live?: On Coruscant.

Favorite number: 9. Cos it's Corran Horn's number!
Favorite drink: Coke or Green tea. I prefer coke...
Favorite month: June or December. They are the holiday months!
Favorite breakfast: Bread, scrambled eggs and sausage. I eat it every Saturday.

-Have You Ever-

Broken a bone: Almost when I was six. But thankfully didn't.

Been in a police car: No.
Fallen for a friend: Yes. I won't tell you his name though~!
Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time: Not really..
Swam in the ocean: Yes. With floats! (I can't swim..)

Fallen asleep in school: No. I doodle to past the time.
Broken someone’s heart?: No.
Cried when someone died?: No one died.

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Yes.. I wanted Joshua to tell me his favourite Transformer..
Saved e-mails: May be.. I hardly check my e-mails.
Been cheated on: When I was a kid in primary school and during the first two years in secondary school. I had no friends then.


Is your room like?: Plain and rather small with a 'Sci-Fi Collection' Shelf for my Star Wars Novels and Babylon 5 DVDs.
What is right beside you?: My blanket.
What is the last thing you ate?: Pizza.

-Ever Had-

Chicken pox: Yes.

Sore throat: No..
Stitches: No..
Broken nose: No..

-Do You-

Believe in love at first sight?: No. I don't judge books by their covers. I read the pages.

Like picnic?: Yes! I think they're fun.


Did you last yell at?: My mum.
Who was the last person you danced with?: No one. I don't dance.

Who last made you smile?: Joshua. He told me that I was smart in my own way and he said that Wedge Antilles is a genius!

-Final Questions-

What are you listening to right now?: Taylor Swift's Love Story (I got addicted cos of Joshua!)
What did you do today?: Feel bored and draw my comic.
Diamond or pearl? : Sounds like something from Pokemon.. 0_O I like both.

Are you the oldest?: Among who? I'm older than my brother if you wanna know.
Indoors or outdoors?: Outdoors when it's sunny. Indoors, in bed when it pouring.

-Today did you-

Talk to someone you like?: Yes. Joshua!
Kiss anyone?: No.
Sing?: No. I sound awful.
Talk to an ex?: I don't have a ex so how do I talk to one?
Miss someone?: Yes. I miss Joshua..
Ate? : No. My tummy is grumbling slightly.

-Last person who-

You talked to on the phone?: Brendon. He's my brother's classmate.
Made you cry? : I don't remember.
Went to the movies with?: My mum.
You went to the mall with?: Christy. We went before our 'Babylon 5 Marathon'.

Who cheered you up?: Joshua.

-Have you-

Been to Mexico?: No.

Been to USA?: No.. I want to!


Have a crush on someone?: Yes. I'm still not telling you!

What books are you reading right now?: Star Wars Shatterpoint. It's a great book!
Best feeling in the world?: Finding out the Joshua is a Star Wars fan!!

Future kids names?: I don't wanna have kids. But if I do, I'll probably name them Rogue Squadron pilots' names.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Gooey the Blankie. She's a blanket not a stuffed animal.
What’s under your bed?: My mum's keyboard and some trash I threw underneath my bed cos I was to lazy to walk to the dustbin..
Favorite sport(s): I don't like sports.
Favorite place?: The swing near my school.

Who do you really hate?: People who think Star Wars is for guys and kids! If Star Wars is for kids, why are Star Wars novels found in the 'Young Adult' section in the library?!
Do you have a job?: Comic Artist and Student. I haven't publish my comic yet..
What time is it now?: 11.53pm.. Aaaaaaaaah! I went overtime!

Done. Hope you enjoyed. I will find some more tests or quizzes to do. Will be back soon!


Hey everyone! I'm back after a week of boredom. For the first time ever: the holidays are terribly boring.

May be it's because my parents are almost always at work and when they aren't they either sleep at home or tell my brother and I to find something to do. Like hell! What is there to do? We are bored and that's just it.

Well, my brother (Alfie) and I managed to survive with this boredom for a week. I don't know what Alfie's been doing but I can tell you what I've been doing.

I remember mentioning a while back in a post or two about the Star Wars Marathon that I planned to have at my house. It turned out badly. Firstly, everyone couldn't come. Well, everyone except Christy. Secondly, the DVD player wasn't working right. It just wouldn't allow the Star Wars: The Phantom Menace disc to run?!! How? I don't know!

So I made a last minute change. It became a Babylon 5 Marathon. We watch Babylon 5: The gathering and Babylon 5: In the beginning because Christy didn't want to watch Season 1. She said that she didn't want to become obsessed.

It's just Season 1! I mean, there is nothing wrong with being obsessed! I can give you an example:

I'm obsessed with Star Wars and I read Star Wars Novels everyday. In school, at home, while waiting for the food to be served in a restaurant, in a bus ride, etc.. My English seriously improved! I won't boast but I got the 2nd highest mark for English among my classes of my level.

What's wrong? Unless... unless you've been talking to Ming Jin (in future, I will call him 'Mingiee-Bean'. Ya know Mingiee-Bean is a religious-nerd and is going around telling people that:

Desire is Suffering (or something like that).

Gaaaaaaaah... Suffer what, man!! May the Force be with humans and extraterrestrial life who thinks the same about Sci-Fi obsession.

Let's more on, then. Um.. Christy is leaving for India for her vacation:

Bon Voyage! And may the Force be with you at every moment!
LOL. That was a candid shot (with Gooey, my blanket)! ><
As for the rest of my--
It rains again! I'm glad it's raining in the night (now is 1.30am) because my bed will be extra cosy and reading Star Wars: Shatterpoint in bed will be so awesome!
I played 'Paper Soccer' with Alfie a few days ago:

Here's the score: 11 to 1. I scored one goal and I'm contented. My brother's a pro, man! And I'm a nerd....
Right now I have no more ideas to get rid of boredom to share but I hope what I wrote up there will help in pasting the time.
Okay. You know that I am a totally disorganised freak? You don't? See or yourself.. The floor around my table..

I can here you say, "My gosh! It's messy!"
So I'm gonna tell you this:
My reason for showing you that is to prove my mum who constantly begs me to clean it up and others who hate mess that being messy is OKAY!!
My skills at convincing people aren't that good but.. seriously, it takes brain power to get your stuff disorganised!

There are different sorts of mess.
There are those where the person throws his items everywhere and there are those who doesn't put back things where they belong after usage. I'm both I guess. Of course there are other forms of messiness but...
The shout-out is coming!
Wait for it!
Wait for it!!
They are what adds colour to the world! Ya better be grateful cos we were those that:
Draw random stuff on our notes (when these people have to do their revision, they'll find humor in it and make revising for exams fun).
Can remember Rogue Squadron facts!
Thinks of their Physical Education teacher as a Minbari! LOL!
Are fun to hang out with!

Hey look! I found my missing Battlestar Galactica DVD! Did you find it too? And there is my brother's chess board! And a paintbrush... and a--
Messy people usually know where their things are so be jealous when you lose your blue pen next time!
I wonder what organised, prim and proper people will think of my post... Hmmmm... Hahahahaaa.. I don't wanna know. ^^
Now I'll show you something funny.. Watch this!! (I forgot to rotate my pictures. Sorry 'bout that!)

My laptop...

ATE MY HAND?!?!!!??!!!

Haha. That's was funny lame crap! But I think it's funny! All you gotta do is increase the brightness or light on your camera or handphone! I kinda like the picture of my arm being 'sucked inside'. It reminds me of Aelita entering the activated tower in Lyoko (Code Lyoko).
Speaking of Code Lyoko:
I made a slight error about the season that's airing now.
It's Code Lyoko Season 2 not Season 1.
It's still showing Mondays to Fridays, Okto Channel at 5.30pm.
Monday's episode will be Episode 41: Ultimatum!
Go catch it! Don't miss out on all the fun we Code Lyoko fans are having!
Alright. It's getting late. Actually it's already very late (2am. And early at the same time).
Goodnite pals! Might be back in a few days! See ya!

flew away

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Gaaaah?! It rained yesterday.. And I was like cooped up at home, feeling so bored.

It's 1:30am, in the morning! Am I nuts or what? I'm not going to bed yet?! Nah.. I just can't sleep.

And it's also cos... My holidays are really just beginning! I don't have to go back to school everyday weekday to study or drawing comics any more! Wooooooooooooo! And I can finally sit back and relax.. BUT?!! I am sooo terribly bored at home with nothing to do!! Hahahaa.. But I still rather have holidays than school..

So.. I took a trip to the library recently and borrowed myself three books. One Star Trek and Two Star Wars novels.

I finished reading Star Wars: The Crystal Star and the story was really good. Jaina Solo totally rocks my world, man! I'm reading Star Wars: Shatterpoint now and every time I open it my eyes are glued! It's the magic of Star Wars. And I can bring it everywhere I go. Yay!
Hmmm.. I realised that it keps raining nowaday.. Everyday! Like the weather's gone slightly wild or something. I had a chalet slumber party (sort of) last year in December and although it did rain a bit, it didn't rain like everyday for hours!!
I get so bored at home cos my mum doesn't allow me to go out in the rain. She say it's troublesome. But I don't mind. Anything but boredom at home..
I'm figuring out fun things to do in a rainy holiday month and so far the list is well... see for yourself..
1. Draw comics (my own original series)
2. Re-watch Oban Star Racers
3. There's Code Lyoko Season 2 on Okto Channel in my country (My mistake. It's not Season 1, people!)
4. Read. Read.. Read SCIENCE FICTION!!!
5. Go to the Games convention thing on 10 to 12 December
6. Star Wars Marathon with Christy aka "V-Gurl" and Alina!
7. Watch Babylon 5 late into the night while stealing my dad's TV.. LOL
8. Draw more pages for my comic
9. Watch Skyline with SOMEBODY.. (Will someone please go to the cinemas with me. There's popcorn!! Haha..)
10. Try to sketch Jaina Solo.. (I've always wanted to try human drawing even though I suck at it!)
11. Uhmmm....
12.. Gosh, it there more fun stuff to do?!
As you see, the list ends at No. 10. Sigh.. I guess ten is more than enough.
And I might get to take pictures with stormtroopers!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!! I took pictures twice last year! Super lot of fun! I throughout enjoyed last year's game convention cos I won a Star Wars Comic, Luke Skywalker and Palpatine figurines and bought a Desktop Lightsaber! Waaaaaaaaaaah!!! Hell lot of fun, man! I spent the whole day there!!! Yea!
I shouldn't get too hyper at 2am. Needa sleep, remember? I'll end the post here since I finally (finally?!!) started yawning.
Goodnite. Sweet dreams!

flew away

Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's December, guys! The rainy month as everyone knows. May be almost everyone in my country. And I'm quite sure about that. Well, it rains in the afternoon, in to the evening and sometimes in the night.

Ya see how dark it can actually get?

Yup. This dark. But it's cool. Cos the temperature would be lower than usual and it makes my fluffy bed more cosy. And you can snuggle in, under the covers and read a Star Wars novel!

I'm gonna make this post fast cos Code Lyoko Season 1 will be showing on "Okto Channel" at 5.30pm today and every other weekday. I missed quite a number of episodes already but no matter cos I watched the series (until season 3) before.
I wasn't able to post for these several days because I was drawing a comic in school every weekday from eight in the morning till pretty late, evening I guess.. I'm the artist (as usual and I rule!!). Joshua did special effects like lightning and fire balls and smoke and lots of cool effects for the background of each frame. Ming Jin did.. um... well.. (he didn't do as much as all of us but I gotta credit him somehow.. with this picture!!! Ta da daaaaaaaa!

Freaking LOL!!!

Ok, Ming Jin did colouring which everyone did. Prisheela was the author of the story for our comic.
Our comic is much better than last year's entry so I really hope we'll win. Please vote for us, okay! My blog fans and consistent readers, ya gotta vote for our comic went the polls are open next years if we make it to the Top 12 like last year!! VOTE for us!
That's all for today. Code Lyoko is starting in 2 minutes. Gotta run (to the TV)!!

flew away

Please Vote!!

Every month there will be a new poll for Star Wars fans! Please vote! It is free and you will be voting anonymous if you want to remain unknown. Please vote!

What colour do you want your lightsaber blade to be?
White and shimmering
Mixture of any two colours
Mixture of any three colours
Rainbow of colours
Customized in your own unique way free polls

About Me!

I'm a human being living on Earth as everyone very well knows. I have a dream to be a Comic Artist while gaining neither fame nor popularity. My first comic should be published by the end of 2011. My best friends from the many planets scattered across the vast galaxy are Joshua, Jordon, Esined aka 'Odd' and 'Lavi'. Joshua is currently my 1st Best Friend. The best thing in the world would be a chance to get to meet such a great friend like him.

Message From The Author


Taggy board here
How's my blog?
Just okay
Slightly below average
Nothing in it that pleases you free polls
Fly Away...:P
My profile!!
My Previous Blog
Joshua's Blog (1st Best Friend)
Anakin Solo's Blog (2nd Best Friend)
Lavi's Blog (3rd Best Friend)
Alfie's Blog (Me Brother)
Jordon's Blog (Good Friend)
My Mum's Blog (My Mum.. Duh.)
Sharon aka Wei Ting's Blog (Good Friend and Neighbour)
Clarice's Blog (Friend)
Michelle's Blog (Friend)
Dayna's Blog (Friend and 1st Best Friend's Sister)

Past Escapades
~January 2010~
~February 2010~
~March 2010~
~May 2010~
~June 2010~
~July 2010~
~August 2010~
~September 2010~
~October 2010~
~November 2010~
~December 2010~

Fonts (Elegant)
Island (background)
Tama Chan!

Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)

Jasc's Paint Shop for supernatural abilities

To My Best Friend

To Joshua: Thankiee for an awesome year of fun and laughter!