Flying Escapades..

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hey guys!!!

School's over!!! Yesh! It's now time to PARTY!!
I still have to go back to school to complete the comic for the competition (I hope to win something at least), but.. IT'S THE HOLIDAYS, PEOPLE!!!
You can go wild and freak yourself out and have fun all day and no one's gonna tell you to do your homework or to go to bed early! It's that simply great! I'm gonna go have FUN once the comic competition is over!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Hoooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Gotta go draw the comic! And then.. Party!!
To Christy: Convince your dad that Star Wars isn't harmful to your survival! My mum is a really caring and enjoys the company of others. It's the holidays, man! Why can't you hang out all day?!! H-O-L-I-D-A-Y-S!!! Convince him like how Anna influenced the Earthlings minds, V-Gurl! Bubbye!

flew away

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The sky's so blue, isn't it? :)
Sigh.. I'm not looking forward to seeing anyone at school tomorrow. The field trip was a complete disaster for me. I puit in so much effort into getting people to like me and be my friend.
Something you might take a lifetime to earn can be gone in a second. Sad, isn't it. I was never a sporty or fit person. Some consider me a nerd. The field trip which to put exactly, was a hike or climb up a steep hill overgrown by trees and shrubs and what-nots. I couldn't climb it. I was to breathless at only 15% of the hike. I'm like so useless..
I hide behind a book all day. Think about starfighters from Star Wars and the Enterprise from Star Trek and imagine what would happen if the V came to Earth all day. I'm such a nerd. I can even tell you the parts of an X-Wing?!!!
And what good does all that knowledge do?!! It doesn't help you to climb a simple hill? It doesn't prevent you from complaining and groaning throughout the whole hike? It's just where I go to to hide from the harshness of reality.
Why the hell did I even react the way I did throughout the hike??? Why?!! I cannot answer. It's because I don't know.
Face it. I'm a whiny Sci-Fi nerd that people laugh at in terms of my fitness and my willingness to play sports. I hate sports.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!! I hate this feeling. I hate this!!
I'm so upset with myself. I cannot be angry at my bestfriend. I can't! I'm like totally sorry for being a shit friend and an asshole, man. You are like the most perfect nerd I've ever met. You are great at everything unlike me. You know a lot about Star Wars, Star trek and V. You are good at running and mostly any sport. You have a never-ending group of friends on Facebook. I've only got 73. You are just good at everything! I'm not.
Perhaps I'm just a sucker who wants to be as cool and Jaina Solo one day without facing the fact that it might never happen.
I'm a lousy friend. Everyone had to climb the hill to its summit. Everyone did it without much complaining. Everyone took pictures (good pictures) throughout the trip. Everyone did all that except me. I'm such a loser.
And I realised all that when I was lagging back, panting profusely and perspiring a hell lot. I thought about everything that occurred throughout this whole year. The new friends I've met. New Sci-Fi Fans I got a chance to know. Everything. I viewed everything from the outside. I saw myself as a dweeb. A nerd with no hope at sports and exercise. I can't even climb a hill. A simple nature reserve on a hill.
I guess I pissed off all my friends and my Humanities teacher during the field trip. I can't go back and redo the past. Guess I'll have to continue from here.
I'll be myself. I'll stop pretending I'm a cool kid with many cool people worshipping me. I'll do my own thing. You like me: Good! You hate me: Too bad! I'll escape into my galaxy filled with discovery and hope and wonder. And who's to care? I'm me. I do it my way from now on. I show the galaxy (starting with Earth) that you can look down on a nerd but you can't stop the nerd from being better than you at almost everything!
Even if Joshua isn't going to be my friend any more. Who cares? Nothing last forever! You gotta learn that and just move on. I'm gonna do everything me-style!
Tomorrow I'll read my Star Wars novel in the canteen when everyone is chatting away about things I'm not interested in. I'll continue to relate every comment I make in a daily conversation to something from Star Wars, Star Trek, V or Babylon 5. This Sci-Fi Nerd is gonna wow the world, not as a follower or a pretender to be cool, but as someone unique and enjoying life without a care in the world!
I'm gonna try! No.. Try not. Do or do not. There is no try. =)
School's going to be fun tomorrow. I WILL make it fun. This nerd's gonna show this world that what I lack in terms of sports and exercise, I make up for it with my knowledge in Science Fiction. Yea~!
Tomorrow will be fun! It will be.
I'll be posting again soon. Goodnite everyone! -_-zzz

flew away

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hey guys. It's me again.

You know who! Don't act like you don't. Heheheheee. ^^

I'm home early today cos there's mother tongue lesson after recess. And everyone I know knows that I don't have a mother tongue. That's why I'm home early.

Being home early is a good thing perhaps.. Cos I have a hell lot of Maths homework to do! So many questions and so little time. And any way, I'll rather read my Star Trek novel than do homework..

And that was what I did over the weekend. I was supposed to do Part 1 (Chapter 12a and 12b) over the weekends. So now I have not only Part 1 to do, I have to complete Part 2 (Chapter 12c and 12d) too! Aaargh!

I need to get started on my homework soon. But before I go, I just wanna announce something.

Christy and I might wanna set up a

new blog for our Sci-Fi Club.

I'll keep you all updated on whether there'll be a

blog or not. Joshua's with us for the idea

too (I think..).

The purpose of creating a blog for our club is to

attract more members from all over the world

to share their knowledge and opinions on their

favourite Sci-Fi. If you are a Sci-Fi Fan you

might wanna look forward to our opening

of this new Fan Blog.

So that's all for now. Post more 'blah blah blah's later, space people!
May the Force be with You!

flew away

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I would say that yesterday was a rather normal day. Normal for the most part, yes..

My dad and I are still not talking. The situation with my grandmother is the same. I believe it's not wrong to dislike them since they make themselves appear unkind and cruel to me.

My dad recently installed some tracking program into the computer, I think he discovered that I used the internet a few days since my previous post. (Sorry about the vulgaritites, by the way..) So now it's back to square one: still no internet access.

Sigh. The only reason I have for why I'm still able to blog is because my dad doesn't check the laptop. I'll usually (as I'm doing now) close my bedroom door and use the laptop. Good thing I have a laptop with internet access.

Still no Sci-Fi Channel. I've been asking for it for an entire year. Big disappointment here.

I want to watch a Taylor Swift concert with my Best Friend but my mum won't allow it. It's not like the tickets are that expensive. Humph! It's Joshua's favourite singer's concert! My mum's being a bit of an asshole.

And anyway, she claims (as she always does) that she'll subscribe to the Sci-Fi channel for me. But nothing's happening (as usual..).

But one good thing has happened this week...


It's a miracle! We both passed our exams! Miracles do come true.

Ming Jin is still mad about enlightenment and he told me some noble truths (or so he claims them to be). He said that life is full of suffering. After much questioning, he continued telling me that every part of life is suffering...

I don't think so. Not at all. I love my life. May be I'm an optimistic person.. But isn't being optimistic a good thing?? Even though I might not have everything I want in life, I have more than I should have. I'm really satisfied with everything. Everything in my life turned on fine in the end.

I have a best friend again. I won an award in a comic competition. I have a galaxy ful of caring and pleasant humans ans aliens. Everything is the way I want it to be. And I'm happy..

So what suffering is his talking about?? Well, he told me then that having goals and desires are that suffering. Why? I'm guessing I'll never know why he said that.

Since I'm naturally competative, I don't think it's wrong to desire or work towards a goal. Having a desire, ambition or goal is good in my opinion. It gives you a reason to keep on living, isn't it?? I mean, where's the suffering in that?

I wanna be a comic artist so I'm accomplishing my dream by taking part in comic competitions (and hopefully winning them) and later, publishing my own comic and may be even later, illustrating books or writing and illustrating my own. Where's the suffering in that? I find joy in art. Art is relaxing and gives one a feel of accomplishment each time you finish an artwork.. So where's the suffering?

Like I said I guess I'll never know.

My class will be going on a field trip next Tuesday.. It's to some sort of nature reserve. Christy and Prisheela have gone there for their class' field trip and from what I hear.. It's not fun. Lala (Prisheela) told me that the trail is very oddly built. And people have tripped and fallen..

Joshua is rather clumsy so I might bring additional plasters in case. Hmmm.. Hope he won't lose his footing there. I'm hoping for it to be a fun trip since this whole year had no field trips til now.

So it's 12.40am.. Wow. Guess I gotta go.
See ya next time, guys!
May the Force be with you!

P.S. I thought of something. It's like a slogan for my mini Sci-Fi Fan Club.

Survival ingredients: Food, Water, Oxygen, Sci-Fi!

flew away

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dear Dad,
You are such a meanie. A loser. You don’t give a damn about my feeling cos you only care about your fucked up life. What about me??

I know you started hating Science Fiction a while back. But I love Science Fiction. It is everything to me. You don’t care.

You cut off my internet access while I was talking to Christy online. What’s your fuckin’ problem. You have a fuckin’ problem?? Deal with it. Don’t throw it at me, loser. Cos at the end of the day, it’s your loss.

I’m typing this on Microsoft Word first before putting it on my blog. Why? You cut off my internet access when all I did was ask you for help when the computer hanged. I treated you as someone with a high IQ by calling for your help. You fuckin’ did it wrong!! You think I’m stupid, right?? Well, one think is for sure: YOUR EQ IS AT THE ZERO MARKING!

You were never happy with me. I hardly talked to you in the past cos I was afraid of your bad temper. When I decided to open up a bit and allow some communication flow, you completely fired your lasers at me!!

I thought we were on the same side! You are a horrible man, I tell you, horrible!! There’s so many things important to me that you simply disregard.

All I wanted was the Sci-Fi channel. Not only did you NOT subscribe to it, you also removed my internet access!! What the Fuck is Wrong with You?!!

Science Fiction is what I love and cherish! I have tolerated your snoring during Babylon 5 and V and the dislike towards Star Trek that you show so openly. I can’t it any more!

I get you good grades and you treat me without a care for m feelings! I give you an A in Principles in Accounts, high marks among my friends for English, and Bs for many subjects and you won’t give me my Sci-Fi channel! WHY??!! Fuck this world, man! I hate this world!

It has no room for Sci-Fi fans like me. I might be living in the wrong part of the world but dude! I know I’m not the only SF fan in the world! Fack you, dad!! Now I can’t use the Internet and I still don’t have the Sci-Fi channel! What else do you want to take away?

You are NOT going any where near my Babylon 5 collection or my Star Wars novels and comics collection! NOT! And you fuckin’ WILL NOT take away my Star Trek book list!!

Open up your fuckin’ heart, idiot. I know you think my brother and I are dumb. I never told this to anyone on my blog before. Do YOU know why? It’s because I respected your privacy in such matters. Well, due to the recent catastrophic events causing me to hate you more, I have NO more respect for YOU!

You even want to at brave in front of gangster. Are you trying to get my brother and I killed?! Do you fuckin’ care or even know about the consequences of getting on a gang’s bad side? Do you? Admit it, you DON’T! In fact, you DON”T give a damn!

HARH! I dare to stand up for all Sci-Fi fans with dads who don’t wanna let us subscribe to the Sci-Fi Channel! I can start a campaign if you like! Fuck up dad.. All I want is to subscribe to the Sci-Fi Channel! Why can’t I?!! It’s not even expensive! You are considered richer than some of the other dads I know.

You just hate Sci-Fi, don’t you? Fucker! And you like to act like a computer whiz when you are SO NOT. You like to say, I know how to fix it blah blah blah.. Then let me ask you, why is the printer still spoilt and the Internet connection with a virus? Huh? Can you answer? Huh?!! Fack your life, man.

Don’t come ruining mine! Cos let me tell you this:

Eat that, sucker!

To all Sci-Fi fans out there,
Live long and Prosper!
And I will continue to find all ways and means to get the Sci-Fi channel and my Internet access!

To Christy,
There might still be V tomorrow! Mustn’t lose hope! 10pm, Channel 5! Are you still a good V? Hehehee! Chat tomorrow at school! And thanks for liking Science Fiction with me!

To Joshua,
Our Sci-Fi Club is getting more members! (Actually, I only found Christy.) >.<>

Blogging is a good way to release anger. Thank you blogger! =D My galaxy is always open to friendly lifeforms like you, reader!
Stay tuned!

flew away

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hi.. It's 1am in the night. Apparently, I enjoy posting just before bed time. So.. My mum is chatting with my dad in his room while I'm in my own room, waiting for her. I don't know. I just wanna wait.

I might as well talk about Saturday's event: Service Learning Carnival.

Wasn't looking forward to it at first cos I was suppose to go to Amanda's birthday celebration. And then, POOF! I cannot go cos 'Lala' (or Prisheela) remindered me that we had to attend and help out at this carnival-thing.

To LaLa, Alina and the others who confirmed that the SL carnival was on Saturday: Thank yous!! Good thing I went, I dob't wanna be marked as playing truant (although I would gladly play truant to watch a Star Wars or Star Trek movie ^^).

The carnival went okay.. I mean.. They teachers who organised it probably thought that more parents and others would come to the carnival area in the school to buy the stuff for sale but only some teachers who came bought their kids and I saw only two schoolmate bring their families. So we probably did not earned as much money as planned.

My class made a LOSS. (Told you so) We probably thought that more people will buy drinks or food cos the weather has been awfully hot recently. I guess not.

My POA teacher is sooo kind. She said she will carry some of our food for sale to advertise (and hopefully get customers). My gosh, she took a huge box of it with her and in less than half an hour, POOF! All sold (or so she says). We've not been having customers all day so how could she have sold so many so fast? I think she bought the whole box of it. Cos if the booth our class put up for the carnival made a LOSS, we have to pay back the Loss to the school.

Which in my opinion is unfair. Reason being, Cass, one of my classmates spend $80 (yes $80) on the items for sale and if some items were not sold Cass and everyone else in my class has to pay back the school. Like WHAT??!! In the first place, the school was suppose to give us money to spend on setting up our booth and selling out stuff but guess what, the school didn't give a shit!

It was a good thing it was a PROFIT of about $20 in the end thanks to our most kind POA teacher! (She might not teach well, but she sure has a kind heart!)

Since our booth hardly had any customers thorough the whole day, my classmates and friends who came to help between 9am to 3pm (the official carnival time) took turns guarding the booth. Usually two at the booth at most times.. I helped guard it for a short while too before Weni wanted to guard full-time! Woah!

I spent quite a bit of time at Class 3E1's booth which was simply put, AWESOME!! Their's wasn't a booth, it was more like a BAND! And Naventhan (a friend from the same English class as me) played the guitar like totally professional style! And their singer was like super good, a hundred times better them the singing contestants from that lousy-done talent competition in my country! (The singers in that talent competition were simply aweful yet the judges say they were good?!! One of them, a female sang like a man with a very low voice.. Ya call that nice? And another's words of the song she picked were totally muffled. And guess what the judges say? "A bit muffles but overall, it was.. Pretty GOOD!" HUH?? What trash.. And those 'singers' think themselves go great? Yuck.. I still find it so unfair that the lady who did such beautiful sand-art in under 90 seconds got eliminated!! What the--?!!!)

Ah harh! I side-tracked! Hehehee..

After the carnival the six of us (Ming Jin, enlightenment 'expert', Hui Ci and her sister, HX, Yi Er and I) went to Hui Ci's house to take a look at her new rabbit...

Her name is Cherry! So fluffy too!!
And surprisingly, after seeing Cherry, we watched Resident Evil (as Ming Jin suggested)! Woooo! I can't believe Resident Evil is so nice to watch!! Except for some of the girls screaming at the zombie parts, it was totally cool movie!
To Ming Jin: I can see why you love the show soooooooo much! Zombie munch munch~! LOL..
Aaah.. I wanna watch NC16 movies soon. Come on, come on!! If you count this month which just started, I have to wait 10 months before I turn 16.. Sad. You got be 16 before the cinema poopies allow you to watch movies with a lot of shooting and dying and gore and vulgarities.. Some crappy law, I guess. NC16 means No Children under 16 if you wanna know. I'm not a child who brawls when mummy washing your hands, ya know.. What a weird way to name movies like that as No Children Crappy Crappy 16..
My mum wants me to sleep now.
Just to show you...

I did Hanna-Thingie at the carnival for $2! Christy did the scribby stuff on my wrist. And ZhouYue drew the X-Wing! For some one who does not know anything about Star Wars, she actually got 90% of the X-Wing right! Wow, man.. Wow!
To Christy and ZhouYue: Thanks, you guys!
Good nite and bye for now!!
P.S. Joshua didn't come.. And for the first time I enjoyed myself instead of feeling lonely! See you later today at school, best friend!!
And one more thing, the money the school earned is for charity (or so they say) which is GOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!

flew away

Please Vote!!

Every month there will be a new poll for Star Wars fans! Please vote! It is free and you will be voting anonymous if you want to remain unknown. Please vote!

What colour do you want your lightsaber blade to be?
White and shimmering
Mixture of any two colours
Mixture of any three colours
Rainbow of colours
Customized in your own unique way free polls

About Me!

I'm a human being living on Earth as everyone very well knows. I have a dream to be a Comic Artist while gaining neither fame nor popularity. My first comic should be published by the end of 2011. My best friends from the many planets scattered across the vast galaxy are Joshua, Jordon, Esined aka 'Odd' and 'Lavi'. Joshua is currently my 1st Best Friend. The best thing in the world would be a chance to get to meet such a great friend like him.

Message From The Author


Taggy board here
How's my blog?
Just okay
Slightly below average
Nothing in it that pleases you free polls
Fly Away...:P
My profile!!
My Previous Blog
Joshua's Blog (1st Best Friend)
Anakin Solo's Blog (2nd Best Friend)
Lavi's Blog (3rd Best Friend)
Alfie's Blog (Me Brother)
Jordon's Blog (Good Friend)
My Mum's Blog (My Mum.. Duh.)
Sharon aka Wei Ting's Blog (Good Friend and Neighbour)
Clarice's Blog (Friend)
Michelle's Blog (Friend)
Dayna's Blog (Friend and 1st Best Friend's Sister)

Past Escapades
~January 2010~
~February 2010~
~March 2010~
~May 2010~
~June 2010~
~July 2010~
~August 2010~
~September 2010~
~October 2010~
~November 2010~
~December 2010~

Fonts (Elegant)
Island (background)
Tama Chan!

Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)

Jasc's Paint Shop for supernatural abilities

To My Best Friend

To Joshua: Thankiee for an awesome year of fun and laughter!