Flying Escapades..

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Today I'm going to talk about someone I've met recently. In a positive way, if you need to know. They have made school pleasant for me after a very long time of unpleasantness.

The first person would be Joshua. I met him this year and have known him for only two or three weeks but he made me feel quite at home. I'll explain.

Ever since I became a Star Wars fan, I've never known anyone in my country who likes Star Wars as much as I do. I guess sooner or later I began to think that no Star Wars fans exist in my country. Joshua made me think again. I know now that he actually likes Star Wars as much as I do because during Design and Technology class, he drew some thing that resembled an AT-AT on his worksheet. I asked him whether it was an AT-AT and expected him to reply "No". But he looked at me amazed and said confirm that it was indeed an AT-AT! \

Then, I drew a TIE Fighter on my worksheet and showed it to him.. and he added a Death Star Behind the TIE Fighter! I added X-Wing Fighters next to the TIE Fighter and he said, "X-Wings"! I have found a STAR WARS FAN!! At last! Finally! After so long I finally found another person like me! As most new people I meet always don't end up becoming my friend, I did not believe that this new friendship with Joshua would continue after Design and Technology class was over. Looks like I was so wrong.

Over the next few weeks, Joshua and I talked about Star Wars and even a little bit of Star Trek whenever we get the chance. During on of my previous PE lessons, Joshua (ever so luckily) got put in the same group as me. I drew a lightsaber next to my name on the worksheet just for fun and he added an AT-AT next to his name and during Servive Learning lesson, Joshua picked the seat next to mine and we discussed about snowspeeders, Luke Skywalker and harpoons! The following Design and Technology classes, we drew a lot of other Star Wars vehicles. Even Jordan's been influenced by us and drew X-Wings. Those were the best times ever!

I realise that I feel at ease when I talk to Joshua. Probably because we both love Star Wars, creating weapons and aircraft. Joshua thought me something else too. He made me like the feeling of 'adventure'. Towards the end of one of the few Sevice Learning lesson, my other friend Yi Er and classmate Cassandra had to talk to the Service Learning Teacher after the lesson ended. Jordan, a good friend of mine, thought that it would take only a minute or two and waited for Yi Er. Joshua and I waited for Jordan and Songtian, Cassandra's good friend, waited for Cassandra and Jordan. The teacher spoke to them for a whole ten minutes and we were still waiting and terribly late for our next class. I usually attend classes on time because I fear being late as I've never been late but by waiting for Yi Er, I had the feeling of risk, the risk of getting detention and things like that. And guess what, I actually liked that feeling! It's like anything could happen and stuff like that! It felt awesome.

Finally the six of us went to class 15minutes late! ^^ Weni (remember her? The one that always talks about studies?) asked me why I was late. Curious perhaps. My response was, "Joshua and I were waiting for Jordan who was waiting for Yi Er who was with Cassandra who Songtian was waiting for." Then she replied something like, "..but class has started..." So I told her honestly that it was my first time being late for class and I liked the mixture of fear and excitement I felt and that it was a wonderful 'adventure' for me. I guess she must be thinking something like, "How can you treat your studies like that?!" or something.

But I don't care.

Happiness and friendship are what matters most to me.

Joshua also thought me how to make a bow and arrow with only a rubber band and two satay sticks but that's another story I'll share with all of you in another post soon!

To thank Joshua for making me believe that I'm not the only Star Wars fan in my country, giving me the joy of 'adventure' and being an excellent friend, I'm going to create a character in my comic that shares his personality. Thank you Joshua for sharing STAR WARS with me!

Corran out.

flew away

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Welcome to my universe where I'm free to do whatever I please!!! YAY! For today's post, (it's LIMITED EDITION ^^) I'm going to show you all my wonderful Sci-Fi Shelf. Majority of the items in the shelf are Star Wars Books (of course!!).

In the picture below, are most of the Star Wars Books I owned. I also have the complete X-Wing Series Book 1 to 9 but I didn't take them out of the shelf due to laziness (heh heh ^^). The photo isn't too clear so I'll explain a bit. In the top left hand corner is the Jedi Academy Trilogy Books. Below is I,Jedi, my favourite book!!! Corran's 100% in it all the time!!! Weee!! Next to it, the book that's lying horizontally is Star Wars Darksaber. I bought it with the Jedi Academy Books a few days ago.. =D The book next to it was bought by my Father. It's my first Star Wars Book!! (And I've not read it yet 0_o). I think you can see that the book in the bottom left hand corner is Star Wars Death Star and beside it is Star Wars Dark Tide I: Onslaught. Dark Tide II: Ruin is missing from my collection is because it isn't selling in my country and I need to order it from America but I've got a hole in my pocket cos I spend nearly all my money on movies and The Jedi Academy books. The next time I visit the bookshop with the huge shelf of Star Wars books for sale, I'm gonna buy Dark Tide II!! Next to it is Rogue Planet (my mother gave it to me as my X'mas present), Order 66 and Rebel Dream on top of Rebel Stand!

Before continuing, I wanna share some FYI stuff about my Star Wars Book collection:

  1. I keep buying and buying even though I've not finish reading most of the previous stuff I bought.
  2. My Sci-Fi Shelf also has Babylon 5 stuff ^^!
  3. The money I earn to buy my Star Wars Books is by doing household chores!! (In my opinion, it's the fastest way to make some money!!)

Now to show you my Star Wars Books!!!



These are Kit Fisto's and tey occupy only 10% of my shelf but I don't mind, anything Sci-Fi is allowed!!
I got these for Christmas last year... BABYLON 5!!! EVERYTHING!!! Wooooooooo Hooooooooo!!! My father gave it to me! I finally own it all!!! YAY!! (I'm still so elated about it! Hee hee!!)

This is how my shelf looks like after arranging it all and putting it back:
FYI: Star Wars Jedi Search is missing cos I'm reading it now.

My mother said she'll clear another shelf for my Sci-Fi but still hasn't. I'm waiting not so patiently any way so she has to give me the shelf cos where will I put the next few (more not few) Star Wars books I'm going to buy??!
Thank you for reading and looking at this LIMITED EDITION post!
Corran out.

flew away

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Good morning to all!
Mean of 'all' = Consist of Star Wars fans... only? Only.

Ok... So no updates for 5 days and I hope nothing has rotted here.. yet. (Strange I sense through the Force a piece of rotting pizza). Just kidding!! Ha ha! =D

During this week.. (I wanna go straight to the point.)

The PE teachers in my school told us that only the Secondary 1s and 2s need to participate in the National Day Parade. Oooh.. What poor things.. I feel their pain cos..
Those shit teachers!! (May be even the principal and vice principal included.) They said that all Secondary Three students have to take part too!! And what they said was the last thing I ever wanted to hear... Shit! So I have to take part.. I've got stage fright, dog-teachers!! It's like what information flows towards them is being repelled!! Dammmmmn.. and so..

I kinda managed to convince my mum that letting me perform in the National Day Parade was a terrible idea... but she still wants me to.. I know the Force helps me sense that. She tried to make me think that 1 out of a million people get the chance to participate in such a grand event. But she can be so wrong. I've already had three most horrible experiences with stage fright and I'm so not going to have a fourth.

I must be sounding like a wimp.. but that's just who I am. And of once I'm so thankful I have Eczema (a sort of rashes) so I can't be under the sun for long! Cos of that, I don't need to perform during National Day!! Yay me!!

And if you ask about those three aweful experiences.. I can only tell you this:
  1. When I was quite young, my mum signed me up for some stupid Drama Class for me to learn facial expressions (which I'm not good at) and at the end of the course everyone in the class had to perform a skit at some royal hall in a royal building fit for a queen and king. And I kind of sucked thoughout the performance (I hid behind the curtains more than half the time).
  2. In Primary Two, my class had to put up a skit with a stupid song and stupid looking props and costumes that reflect light.. Dumb.. And I was right in front and in the centre of the school stage.. and when the music started playing and one of my other classmates (the main character) ran on stage.. and I started shivering (and I wasn't on Hoth!!) and tried to squeeze behind another classmate.. It didn't work... Suck.. suck....
  3. The third and thankfully the final one happened at the church.. (I don't have a religion and I still don't. The reason why I attended Church lessons was to accompany my brother and because of curiosity). Well.. one day, without informing my parents or may be they did but my parents chose not to inform me, we had to do some weird stuff in front of the crowd in the chapel! OMG.. *first part cannot be told* I sort of burst out in tears towards the end of that holy ritual or something.. Eeek how wimpy.. Eeeeeek..

Er.. hope that didn't chase away my blog readers... Hope not.

But I've got good news too.. I've gotten into the BAND 1 CLASS FOR ENGLISH!!! That means I'm in the best class!!! Yiiipeeeeeeeeee!!!

Corran out.

flew away

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bonjour all Star Wars fans!!
Today (and yesterday) there was school...
And the worst lesson of all was Physics.. Aaaaaaaargh! I hate Physic. Damn difficult, alright! During yesterday's Physics lesson, the teacher entered the classroom like a zombie. He's a really fussy teacher. I dislike fussy teachers.. especially teachers that make the class gather outside the classroom and line up in pairs. It's a waste of time. The lesson isn't about lining up in dumb looking straight rows!
We (almost all of us that were waiting near the front of the classroom near the classroom door) were expecting the teacher to enter the classroom but instead.. the teacher was already inside the classroom~! OMG! And Jordan, Hiap Lee, Yi Er, a few others and I were in shock, man. The teacher couldn't be inside because we were standing right next to the classroom windows with the curtains drawn back and the windows open wide! It was impossible (and it still is). I think the teacher can use the FORCE. He must have created an illusion just like Corran!! So many people didn't see him in there! Isn't mind tricks just amazing?
After some pushing and shoving at the door of the classroom, we settled down at our tables... and that was when I realised I forgot to bring my Physics file. I wasn't able to camouflage the extra file in my bag into the file and of course using the textbook to cover most of the table would work.. You know why? That's totally because the teacher can use the FORCE! This time he did mind reading! He must read my mind.. NO.. He was probing it.. Yeah...
It happens all the time. I'm not talking about the Physics teacher Force powers stuff, I'm talking about changing what I don't like into what I want to see (and like). I hate Physics but I think of the lesson (not what I learn, but what I see and may be feel) into something I would like. It's my FORCE!! It's creating illusions and using mind tricks at the same time!
So the teacher (might have a high midi-chlorian count which probably explains all that..) asked people like me who did not bring their Physics stuff to copy down whatever crap he would write on the whiteboard on a piece of foolscap paper.

Little did he know that that was a big mistake... Heh heh heh...


Take a look yourself!!

The next drawing makes you have to tilt your head left.


and I drew it without seeing any TIE Fighter pictures (I didn't have any anyway..)

Close up view!!!

Ta Daaaaaaaa!!! (And the teacher didn't find out I learnt nothing in his class!)
Glad you all enjoyed it. It a pleasure to share my drawing with my readers.
P.S. I wonder if you know this: I don't have a mother tongue so I've just started learning French! YAY ME!!! And my french teacher has the smae name as Captain Picard. The only thing different about his name is it don't end with 'Picard'. Captain Picard Rulez!!
Corran out

flew away

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I'm back!!! Uh.. yeah. *silence is the only thing heard*..

Never mind those weird greetings kinda of stuff. I've got a new video to share!!! Last year after my exams in October, my dad bought me Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron. It's played on PSP. At the same time, he also gave me his old PSP ("old" because I think he got himself a replica of the first one he had so he gave me his first PSP. Since the "old" and "new" PSPs are the same, it is not right to call the first PSP "Old"... And I think you don't know what I'm talking about. ^^) Anyway, I videotaped myself playing Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron (the Instant Action mode). It's the Death Star!!

I used my handphone to film myself playing so the video isn't that clear. (Most of the right side of the screen was cut of too ^_^)


... ...



Blogger said that I can't publish this post until the video has been completely uploaded. Looks like I'll have to wait.


Meanwhile, I talk about other stuff.

School this year seems to be improving. People have gotten nicer.. well some not all. I even got into the class I wanted. I was supposed to be in 3e2 but my transfer was a success.. YAY!! I'm in 3e3. I'm neither a maths person nor a Science person (all the other classes except 3e3 are Maths and Science classes, it seems) and the school finally opened their red sore eyes to notice that. I get to learn Design and Technology in 3e3!!

And for your reading pleasure, I need to say something necessary so that you will (hopefully) know whatever I'm going to type. Prisheela (I mentioned her name in my previous post) in in 3e1, the smartest class on all and I'm in 3e3, the not-so-smart sort of class so I don't know why, but I get this very annoying feeling whenever I want or need to talk to her. It's not that she annoying, she's not at all. It's the feeling one gets when a not-so-clever person talks to a very clever person. Something like a normal Mon Calamari talking to Admiral Ackbar, gettit?? And Prisheela and I have no common interest. She likes singing, I like drawing. She likes music, I like Art. She likes songs for hip hop, love, etc. but I like country music. So Yi Er kind of (how do I say it...) uh.. You know in X-Wing Rogue Squadron when Lujayne Forge talked to Corran (somewhere at the beginning of the book).. Yeah.. Yi Er is soooo Lujayne, man!! I took her advice (if that's what its called) and it worked. And it also worked because the first conversation we had was about American Idol that was showing on TV! (Good TV people!!)

It worked too when Yi Er and I were accompanying an Indonesian girl, one of the international students to the bus stop to take our bus home. I didn't say much on our way to the bus stop as Yi Er and Weni (that's her name) were talking.. and talking. Yi Er is amazing, man. She just makes friends so easily. Yi Er's bus came first so Weni and I were left waiting for our buses. We didn't say anything at first and I felt that the silence was getting awkward.. So one of had to say something, right? So I just randomly picked a topic (like "Do you like our school?" or somethin') and strangely, we started talking.

Uh.. I guessed that's where and when the friendship started.. But being friends with Weni proved to be more of a problem.

Books (any book, it does not have to be Star Wars) has been my "morning medicine" seens Secondary 1. I would read every morning before assembly starts while everyone else would be busy greeting and chatting with their friends. I had no real friend in Secondary 1 so instead of having "useless" conversations, why not read? It's enjoyable and you get to learn new vocabulary words. In the first half of Secondary 2, I still had no real friend so I would read as usual. Then in the second half of the year, I made some friends (Jordan, Yi Er and Prisheela) and although I really enjoyed their company, I still liked reading in the morning before assembly. They didn't mind. They let me read!

But with Weni, the second I step into the parade ground or am in her sight, she would start talking and talking until assembly starts. I didn't mind at first but it went on like this every school day! I realised that if I don't read in the morning I'd be very sleepy and tired throughout the day. Reading (especially Star Wars) helps me to wake up in the morning. I didn't tell Weni that I would prefer reading to talking in the morning because I had this really strong feeling that she would be mad or something. And I also noticed something.. Almost everything she said was about studies and homework (blah blah blah..). I'm bored of talking about studies. She must be thinking that I'm a study freak thats obsessed with doing homework or something. I'm not! I'm an artistic, creative and fun-loving person that likes Star Wars 100%!

Two day before yesterday, I had Chess Club til 5pm in the afternoon and had to collect an important item from a shop near my home for my feet. American Idol was showing on TV after that so I did not do my Maths and Physics homework. I told Weni a day later (the day we had to hand in our homework) because friends would share problems with each other. Weni's reaction to what I told her was a bit like "Homework is the World and The World Is Homework". =O And like usual ordinary students would, I said something like this: "That's ok. I'll rather have fun and enjoy life. After all, some things (I was refering to the particular episode of American Idol) come only once in a lifetime." And Weni gave me a really "blank" look and said no more. While Yi Er, who was listening to the conversation, laughed and agreed with me.

Since then, Weni has stopped talking to me. Well, look on the bright side, I get to read in the morning again! Yay!! ^_^

The video's ready (at last)! Hope you enjoy it!!

Corran out!

flew away

Friday, January 15, 2010

Hello all Star Wars fans!

I greet all Star Wars fans before greeting the usual crowd because (you should probably know this as it's absolutely important) I'm a Star Wars fan myself. The people around me that I've met are not Star Wars fans so I'm kind of rare as someone I met in my school's canteen told me that Star Wars fans are hard to find in the country I'm living in (it shan't be revealed to you! =D) and that its his first time meeting a Star Wars fan that is really into Star Wars.

To simplify whatever crap I'm about to type: I'm OBSESSED with STAR WARS!! Yeah! But that just makes me who I am! No one can change that, I guarantee! Although I'm a Star Wars fan, I am more with the Star Wars Expanded Universe type of fan as I prefer reading the X-Wing series and New Jedi Order books. I've not read any Legacy Of The Force or Fate Of The Jedi yet as I'm still currently reading Star Wars: I, Jedi and about to read Star Wars: Vector Prime.

But don't get me wrong, I love the 6 movies! They are AWESOME!!! Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie and episodes are AWESOME too!! Season 2 of The Clone Wars is going to show on my TV soon! 23 Jan! Omg.. I can't wait!!

Oh yeah, I'm a fan of Corran Horn! YAY!

Ha ha ha.. Talked so much about the Star Wars part of me! Got me all excited! Weeeeeeeeeeeee! Yay! Aaaah... Right, so now for the basic introduction. Basically, I'm still 14 years old but will be 15 this coming 3rd September. My birthday usually falls on a holiday so I'm quite pleased! I'm not going to say stuff like:"buy me presents on this certain date" or other funny stuff like that. I find it rather ridiculous (no offence!)
I am a Sci-Fi fan but prefers Star Wars to other Sci-Fi. I do like Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica and Babylon 5 too!

I have 1 younger brother who I used to call "Jeremie" or "Plo Koon" in my previous blog, (my previous blog has a strange url as I used to be a Code Lyoko fan.) My mum was known as "Yumi" but I'll probably call her "mum" or "Yoda" (she likes to act as Master Yoda and sometimes Admiral Ackbar because she's the "leader" in the family.) My dad's my dad and my grandma's my grandma, got it? Whatevz... =P So.. In conclusion, my whole family (except my grandmother) likes Star Wars! But my dad and I like Babylon 5 while my mum and I like Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica! I'm a Sci-Fi fan 'cos of them.. YIPPEEEEE!!

I have two best friends, "Odd" (aka Rogue 6) and "Lavi". Odd is my very first friend and I've known her since Primary 1 when both of us were 7 years old. Both of us like Star Wars and share many similar interests! We are alike in a certain way (but I can't explain what.) ODD IS MY BEST FRIEND FOREVER!!! Lavi is mad about Anime and everything (almost everything, I think..) Japanese. Although she is not a Star Wars fan, both of us have dreams of becoming Comic Artists in the future. I met Lavi in Primary 5 but became close friends since then. LAVI IS MY BEST FRIEND AS WELL!!! Sadly, each of the three of us are in different schools. But!!! We still have late night chats over the phone, afternoon "bordem" chats and hang out during the holidays!!!

I've made some friends in my Secondary school such as Jordon, Yi Er, Prisheela and Ming Jin and we have become very good and close friends especially Jordon because I met Jordon in Secondary 1 so I suppose I've known him for roughly 3 years?? May be.. I met the other only last year.

About my ambition to be a comic artist.. I'm really creative and good at drawing comics so why not do it in the future as a job? Wouldn't that be cool! I'm drawing an original comic (all ideas are for my brain not others) right now and will be publishing it next year! I'm only at Chapter 2 but I am progressing!! YEAH!!!

To be continued.

Do check out my old blog, to read previous posts!
Corran out!

flew away

Please Vote!!

Every month there will be a new poll for Star Wars fans! Please vote! It is free and you will be voting anonymous if you want to remain unknown. Please vote!

What colour do you want your lightsaber blade to be?
White and shimmering
Mixture of any two colours
Mixture of any three colours
Rainbow of colours
Customized in your own unique way free polls

About Me!

I'm a human being living on Earth as everyone very well knows. I have a dream to be a Comic Artist while gaining neither fame nor popularity. My first comic should be published by the end of 2011. My best friends from the many planets scattered across the vast galaxy are Joshua, Jordon, Esined aka 'Odd' and 'Lavi'. Joshua is currently my 1st Best Friend. The best thing in the world would be a chance to get to meet such a great friend like him.

Message From The Author


Taggy board here
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Just okay
Slightly below average
Nothing in it that pleases you free polls
Fly Away...:P
My profile!!
My Previous Blog
Joshua's Blog (1st Best Friend)
Anakin Solo's Blog (2nd Best Friend)
Lavi's Blog (3rd Best Friend)
Alfie's Blog (Me Brother)
Jordon's Blog (Good Friend)
My Mum's Blog (My Mum.. Duh.)
Sharon aka Wei Ting's Blog (Good Friend and Neighbour)
Clarice's Blog (Friend)
Michelle's Blog (Friend)
Dayna's Blog (Friend and 1st Best Friend's Sister)

Past Escapades
~January 2010~
~February 2010~
~March 2010~
~May 2010~
~June 2010~
~July 2010~
~August 2010~
~September 2010~
~October 2010~
~November 2010~
~December 2010~

Fonts (Elegant)
Island (background)
Tama Chan!

Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)

Jasc's Paint Shop for supernatural abilities

To My Best Friend

To Joshua: Thankiee for an awesome year of fun and laughter!